DOBBIN ICT is a media company based in Croatia, operational since 2000, one of the regional leaders in media localization service, providing localization / translation and subtitling for TV/ Cable and film industry. Supporting all major worldwide-spoken languages and translating to and from Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Bosnian and Macedonian languages. We are able to handle large volumes of work.
We provide subtitling services to dozens of global cable distributors and platforms. Our clients are also most of the major film festivals in Croatia, as well as cinemas, whether it's the regular cinema programme or part time events, such as particular countries' cultural presentation, most of them organized and /or sponsored by local embassies and national culture centres.
Our own ICT support team and technical facilities provide all necessary technical support, covering any postproduction task related to localization, ensuring we can produce any needed format for localization purpose, various subtitle formats, as well as live-show subtitling.
DOBBIN d.o.o.
HR-10000 Zagreb | Ilica 17
t. +385 1 6183161 | f. +385 1 6183160 | e.
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